- List of best-selling PlayStation 4 video games
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_4_video_games - List of best-selling PC games
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PC_games - List of best-selling Nintendo Switch video games
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_Nintendo_Switch_video_games - List of best-selling Xbox One video games
就數據上來看,如果同樣的遊戲在全平台上市的話,銷量最慘的應該是 Xbox One,把開發能量用在 Xbox One 上到底值不值得就見仁見智了。
另外值得一提的是,現代遊戲在 PC 上發行有很多數位管道,但最為人知曉的是 Valve Steam。
在此稍微列一下現代遊戲在 PC 上發行的數位管道:
- Apple App Store
- CD Projekt GOG.com
- Epic Games Store
- HTC Vive Port
- Microsoft Store
- Oculus Rift Store
- Ubisoft Store
- Valve Steam
- GamesDeal.com