2022年5月14日 星期六

[Quick Note] 在 Chrome OS 上執行 Steam

Gaming with Chrome OS

友人傳來 Google IO 的影片,讓我對於 Chrome OS 是用何種方式執行 Steam 感到好奇,稍微蒐集下目前找得到的資料。

影片中的網址 https://g.co/SteamOnChromeOS ,導向至 Steam on Chrome OS Alpha 頁面 ( https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/steam-on-chromeos )

  • 啟動 Steam 安裝程式的指令是  “insert_coin volteer-JOlkth573FBLGa”

這個頁面同時也出現在 Steam 的官方公告裡:Steam on Chrome OS Alpha ( https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3128319763053339626 )

YouTube 頻道 Chrome Unboxed 有紀錄安裝過程

How To Install Steam on A Chromebook

Running Custom Containers Under ChromeOS 頁面 ( https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/docs/+/HEAD/containers_and_vms.md#Can-I-run-Steam ),摘錄原文

Can I run Steam?

Sure, give Steam a shot. Just remember that without accelerated graphics or sound, it's probably not going to be too much fun.

crostini-steam-setup.sh 這份檔案 ( https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/dev-util/+/HEAD/contrib/gfx/crostini-steam-setup.sh ) 是其中一種在 Chrome OS 中安裝 Steam 的方法,說是「其中一種」是因為這份檔案最後更新於 2020 年,作法已與 Google IO 這次不同。

crostini-steam-setup.sh 與 Steam for Linux - launcher 頁面 ( https://repo.steampowered.com/steam ) 的做法類似。

以下列一些令我在意的 Commit

Fri Mar 04 04:28:26 2022 的 Commit:a400a5a0e9978cec440996a3d4a88437206f6a6a ( https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/a400a5a0e9978cec440996a3d4a88437206f6a6a ),摘錄原文

borealis: Add a handler for vm tokens

This will be the receiving end of the insert_coin command. For the time being we reject any token on a non-"-borealis" board and accept any token for a -borealis one. Once we have added the token to tests, we can start blocking -borealis boards as well.

在此 Commit ( 或之後的 Commit ) 中有出現 InsertCoin, Proton, Steam 等關鍵字的檔案:

Tue Mar 22 00:39:34 2022 的 Commit:0ac095dfc2a0a70b5c047c2ecf2822d4f6134698 ( https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/0ac095dfc2a0a70b5c047c2ecf2822d4f6134698 ),摘錄原文
Change strings in code to include steam

以下列一些關於 Borealis 的介紹

Google Shares Plan to Make Steam Work on Chrome OS with Linux 頁面 ( https://news.itsfoss.com/chromeos-steam-linux )

Google detail more on how Steam on Chrome OS works with Linux 頁面 ( https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/google-detail-more-on-how-steam-on-chrome-os-works-with-linux )

Bringing Steam to Chrome OS 頁面 ( https://chromeos.dev/en/posts/bringing-steam-to-chromeos ),摘錄原文

Building off of Valve’s great work to make games compatible with the Steam Deck⁠, our VM runs a modified version of Arch Linux⁠ designed specifically for gaming. This image, codenamed “Borealis”, is automatically kept up to date and updated with each Chrome OS release, ensuring users don’t need to deal with updating drivers or libraries themselves. Because Steam and all of its games are kept within a single VM image, if a user ever needs to uninstall it, they know everything will be removed in a single step, in keeping with Chrome OS’s goal of simplicity.
